Saturday, January 16, 2010

Garage Indoor Garden update #2

I am moving right along in the grow room. Thanks to a donation from one of our readers (thanks mom) I was able to build my first of three grow bed tables. I built a 3x6' grow bed and stand for under $100 and it's totally waterproof. This is a bargain when you consider just a 3x6' plastic grow bed costs $170 without a stand! I will show you step by step how to build it in my youtube video, soon to follow.
As far as the Cocogrowers go, the cherry tomatoes are looking extremely healthy. Together, they have about 20 tomatoes and are growing about 3 inches a day! They are also drinking over a half gallon of nutrient rich water every day. The Brandywine tomatoes are still puzzling me. I do have 2 tomatoes starting on one of them though.
The seedlings, now small plants, are looking healthy as ever. They were just planted in the red solo cups about 10 days ago and already need bigger containers. I have about two months before I can move the tomato plants outdoors. I hope they don't get too big, too early! I am planning on growing them in 5 gallon buckets, instead of planting them in ground. Should be interesting.

Hydroponic grow experiment #3 update

This is week 3 of the hydroponic experiment #2. Everything is going great. The Growlab temp. is 78 in the day and 68 at night. The humidity is around 45%.The timer on the turbogarden is a great addition. I can't tell if the plants are growing any faster, but they're definitely not slowing down. The ph is 5.9,the ppm is 620 and the water temp. is 70-74. I'm already pulling off the bottom leaves on the lettuce for salads.One thing I have noticed is the basil plants in the turbogarden system have a stronger smell then hydroponic and soil grown. I credit that to the extreme health of the plants. The plants in the turbogarden are also growing bigger, faster then the other growing methods. It's the Ferrari of growing systems.
The Ecogrower is looking great also. I am adding a gallon of water with 1/4 strength nutrient every day to the reservoir. I've harvested three peppers so far from the relleno, compared to no peppers from the soil grown relleno. They are the same exact age and receive the same nutrient.
The pepper seedlings are sprouting away. I have 33 sprouts out of 50 so far. I can't wait to get them growing in the flood and drain table. I'm not sure which medium to use yet. I'm open to suggestions.