Saturday, April 3, 2010

Here is an update on my indoor garden. We're in a transition phase right now. It's almost time to start the outdoor garden. All the peppers in the red solo cups(40 total), are going outside to grow in containers. The same goes for the tomato plants in the sleds. I have 35 tomato plants going outside to grow in containers. In the seedling trays, I have 50 each of Brandywine, roma and better boy tomatoes. I will be selling them in the farmers market, as seedlings, next month. Each week, I will plant another 3 trays for sale, the following week.

The pepper table is growing well right now. The plants are really starting to produce peppers everywhere. Underneath, the lettuce has been trial and error, to say the least. First there wasn't enough light, then the nutrient level was too high. I've added more light, over 20,000 lumens total and somewhat corrected the nutrient level. I also added a small pump in the reservoir, to circulate and aerate the water. It pumps water up a pvc pipe, that has a air stone in it and the water falls back to the reservoir, to aerate.

I had a good idea the other day, to fix the nutrient imbalance. Bare with me. My thinking is that the lettuce need lower nutrient levels then the pepper plants. So instead of trying to meet in the middle, didn't work, I'm going to use the lettuce formula in the reservoir, where they grow, and supplement the peppers with hand watering from the top, with a higher level of nutrient. The next time I flood, I will change the water in the reservoir, so the lettuce doesn't get overdosed. It might sound complicated, but it really isn't. The only thing changing manually is hand watering 20 plants, with a quart of nutrient rich water apiece.